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Bible Journals for kids ages 6 to 12

Building the joyful habit of spending time with the Lord each day

Are you looking for a way to help your child grow in independence in their relationship with God?


Digging Into God (D.I.G.) for Kids is a creative Bible reading plan designed for kids ages 6 to 12 that will help bring simplicity to reading, enjoying, and understanding God’s Word. These journals were developed to help teach children to be consistent (not perfect!) in their walk of faith.


The goal in using Digging Into God for Kids is to teach children how to read and understand the Bible on their own. After a few times of teaching them how to use the journal and read along in their Bible, hopefully they will look forward to having their own quiet time and make their relationship with Jesus personal. 


Sometimes life is so hurried and it feels like there is not enough time to make space for reading the Bible. Or maybe it seems too difficult to teach your children how to have a relationship with God. Using D.I.G. for Kids makes this simple and straightforward. For about 5 to 10 minutes a day, you will slow down the pace of life and focus on just a couple Bible verses.

how to teach your kids how to have a relationship with God Jesus
bible reading plan for kids

If your child is young,
or just starting to read
the Bible, try using the
Psalm 119, Ephesians,
or Mark Bible Journals first.
They have smaller reading sections--perfect for young kids

ephesians book (1).png
5 SIMPLE weekly readings:

Help your kids develop the habit of spending time with the Lord each day.
Teach your child how to find the verses in their Bible; write the verse that "stuck out" to you; draw a picture of what the verse (or passage) means; and write our a prayer to the Lord for the day.
Read the Bible together several times, which will help your child learn to read the Bible on their own.

choose your own Scripture study

Digging Into God 

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